Come on in buddy, we are all old here

This club is for anyone who wants to support the gaming channel and get more involved in the content.

Note: the videos and discord will remain free for everyone

Level One: UNC

  • Discord UNC Role
  • Daily member shoutouts
  • Special UNC Club Chat Access
  • Unc Club Voice Chat Access
  • 10% discount on any future merch
Get Started

Level Three: SUPER UNC

  • All previous perks
  • Discord Super Unc Role
  • Special UNC Club Chat Access
  • Weekly opportunities to appear in videos
  • Weekly opportunities to 1v1 vs. Apex
    20% discount on any future merch
Get Started

Join the Unc Club for FREEEEE! Access to the discord community for everyone, for no cost

Join Now

Frequently asked questions

When will I get access?

Everyone should get their role within 24 hours of paying. If you run into any issues at all please reach out to the team on discord.

What videos can I appear in?

I am planning on hosting a Road to a Killcam series with subscribers, private trickshot lobbies, FFA lobbies with subscribers, 1v1's and more!

How does the weekly private discord call work?

OG and Super Unc roles will have access to a private stage in the discord channel where we will host weekly private calls / livestreams -- including Q&A's with the chat and bringing members on stage to join the conversation.

Can I cancel my membership?

You can cancel your membership at any time by going to this link and canceling.

Can I upgrade my membership?

You can upgrade your membership at any time by going to this link and upgrading.

Help & Support

If you run into any issues, please create a ticket in the server and someone from the team will take a look.

Banned or hacked?

If you can't access your Discord account anymore, please email us at